The move may also be carried out as an additional load transport.
Unless otherwise agreed, the Furniture Removal Firm may commission another executing Furniture Removal Firm to carry out the removal.
Offsetting against claims of the Furniture Removal Firm shall only be permissible with counterclaims that are due and have been legally established, are ready for decision or are undisputed.
Instructions and notifications from the Consignor regarding the performance of the transport shall be sent in text form exclusively to the appointed Furniture Removal Company in accordance with Section 1, Paragraph 1.
The sender is responsible for determining the removal goods. The sender must ensure that no items are taken away in breach of the contract which are not the sender's removal goods and that no items are left standing.
The following additional provisions apply to storage:
German law shall apply.
With regard to the processing of personal data, the Furniture Removal Company's Privacy Policy shall apply.
There is neither the willingness nor the obligation to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.
Status: March 2021
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In particular as a furniture transport and moving company, we are aware of our responsibility for the environment. The certification according to DIN EN ISO 14001 provides the basic framework for compliance with many strict environmental formalities. But we act out of conviction, therefore we try to do even more. The responsible use of energy and water is a matter of course for us and is communicated to all employees. We try to avoid waste instead of disposing it. The consistent use of recyclable materials has been standard at Heinrich Klingenberg for many years.
©2020 Heinrich Klingenberg & Ernst Struwe Internationale Umzugslogistik & Möbelspedition GmbH
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- Made with ❤ by Buessen & Brothers